Ouch! Yesterday I was a little rusty at the lectern. Nope, no, not that sort of rusty. I think it went pretty fine. But personally I feel I could’ve done better had I been giving consecutive projects. Well I can’t help it, can I? After all I need my degree right? Can’t holiday at home in the name of toastmastering! It was the third project from the Advanced Communication Series. “Special Occasions Speeches” where I had to present a three to five-minute “roast”. The first two being “to propose a toast” and “to speak in honour of someone” respectively. I was pretty excited about the delivery as the project involves poking fun at an individual and honoring him at the same time. It needs wit, humour, anecdotes, etc. And I decided to roast my father, himself a toastmaster. Well the poor soul had to be the victim of a roast for the second time. The deed already being committed by my brother at first! It was fun pokin...