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Showing posts from 2013

If watsapp was down for a day in SCMHRD

1.        Loss of weight due to high level of physical activity in order to check timetable. 2.        More communication between roommates due to absence of critical modes of communication. 3.        Official holiday for Class reps. 4.        Fainting of professors due to increase in concentration level of students by a large margin – a phenomenon not exercised in SCMHRD. 5.        Nervous breakdown due to ignorance of mess menu. 6.        ADHD ( Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ) as students feel they miss out on world breaking information such as who will hang out in juice bar, how come that girl hung out with the other girl who was the other guy’s friend who was the friend of the aunt of some other girl. 7.        Hallucinating watsapp...

The future belongs to those that care and those that believe

The little boy fell down; he stood up and ran in the other direction. WHAAAAAAA! The people around complained Oh no hurt himself he shall again..... And what if he does?! Bystanders they shall remain. By this time you little boy, Yes you galloped away I remember a horse crossing hurdles Little one you did the right thing.... Because the gift – listening to optimal number of things.

Priority-Our priced possession

“Things which matter most should never be at the mercy of things which matter the least – Johann Wolfganag von Geothe How many times do you think about what your priorities are when you wake up in the morning? In fact,never. Even if we do think about our activities that will be taking place during the course of the day, we seldom prioritise them. Going to class without having breakfast since you woke up late, waking up late since you were smart enough to trust your waking skills,sleeping in class since you are tired , tired cause the poor tummy has been deprived of food. The cycle goes on and on thereby churning your day into an unproductive one. Good Lord! Why do we always complicate things? When I talk about priorities I don’t mean salary, job, food clothing shelter and the like. Here I am trying to emphasise on the little things we give unnecessary importance in the name of attention, peer pressure and of course to prove the unique ability to “fit in”. P...

Training , Burning & Learning

The prof wants something innovative for  weekly presentations during HCM class. Little did we know we had just two hours for the next class . So voila I wrote a poem on training and development in less than 15 mins. Happy with the feedback and glad that sir asked for the poem to carry along J   Training , Burning & Learning   I ventured out of my nest one day Pressure comes to an end they say   Engineering , Bcom, Bsc and the like Out of college, a job and a hike   Then I landed up in Infosys. Big, big cubicles and management crisis.   Everyone is drinking coffee and chai What am I to do here I let out a sigh!   Then came a monster called Mr. Manager Said “I am your boss”, I could smell danger   I understood him to be an IDIOT of the highest order Cos he told me I better be a fast learner   Training and development is very important Blah, blah, blah he t...


When wars had raged and reached the peak, To set a panic striken lot Who never once took a pause to see The better -their heart or their thoughts?   You both stood there as one heart beating , You knew there was hope somewhere The instinct comes to those who believe In the power that can’t be felt anywhere.   Thirty one years of trust and faith Since that very day you both tied the knot Lord Krishna as a witness would appear In person to watch this lovely couple sprout   Daddy, Mummy you both have stood the test of time And arrived to talk of today I wish you grow old over hundred years together And that will surely happen I pray!   Congratulations Mr and Mrs K.S. Nair. On this auspicious day I bow down to the two of you. Thirty one years of love, trust, hope and faith. You have surpassed and accomplished tons together. God is indeed great!

Mummy- I Love you!

Left it all, Left it all The sole had soiled, it wandered criss cross. But the eye of a hawk nurtured it right From the fours to the twos Watching the minutes that flew The strength of a bark, the youth of a kid Formed into a sturdy fit Nothing better, never the need Now I stand here without any greed  

Dedicated to the most beautiful colleagues

There lies a wind that gushes past by To tap mortals with an irreplaceable wand This wand that travelled low and high But never did it once think it would fall in sand The sparks it creates can touch each soul With a warming tinge so carefree The depth, the pace and bereft cajole Will put to sleep even the intolerant sea When a powerful force as though prevails Why fear any crooked, bumpy path Together in the sea, any ship can sail Only a matter of time and a crack will surpass You were my wand, you were my force The sunshine none can replicate For this beam comes smiling at its course That can make kindness a mandate Shall I see the force elsewhere? , I don’t know But the best I’ve seen in the best form It is sanguine and humble, I take a bow To all of you; who are blessed with that divine charm P.S: A small correction there. Not colleagues but friends, buddies , truly malvelous people ever found!


That Spectacular smile, the gaze, the warmth Oh yes the ability to carry on Blessed with grace, health and charm To climb on to any peak Anything required and needed the most That should become the centre for more Is it that need? How does it feel? What do you explain when it’s something queer? It’s a wonderful place in a wonderful land The marvelous creations in the vicinity spread How enchanting the mind decides No boundaries set here, only beauty defined So let go of the little thread Nothing to prove; who may want to know? After all it’s you and ONLY you! This goes out to all the people I admire .  The spark they carry and the reason they are able to,the ability to balance all that through and through makes me a happier person. And to all those who are in search of anything. -Don’t let go of yourself. Life is beautiful JJ A typical moment when a little change can make a big difference…….