“Things which matter most should never be at the mercy of things which matter the least – Johann Wolfganag von Geothe How many times do you think about what your priorities are when you wake up in the morning? In fact,never. Even if we do think about our activities that will be taking place during the course of the day, we seldom prioritise them. Going to class without having breakfast since you woke up late, waking up late since you were smart enough to trust your waking skills,sleeping in class since you are tired , tired cause the poor tummy has been deprived of food. The cycle goes on and on thereby churning your day into an unproductive one. Good Lord! Why do we always complicate things? When I talk about priorities I don’t mean salary, job, food clothing shelter and the like. Here I am trying to emphasise on the little things we give unnecessary importance in the name of attention, peer pressure and of course to prove the unique ability to “fit in”. P...