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Showing posts from September, 2014


Inventions come and inventions go, but never once did they see The loyalty with which I worked my way To keep you happy along with freebies! And yet you left me to rot away Where similar ones whose fate Matched mine unfairly to all our, terrible dismay! Did you think we could get along, with all our innovative selves You think I could blend with a Samsung 4 When I am THE   IPhone (234), a leader who dwells! How could you think of letting go Of this divine gift from God I am King Kong , who dare challenge me- Not even a friend or a foe! And yet you traitor you think this form of adultery Was fun as the market catered to A  more enhanced, a snappier and sleeker version of me! One fine day I shall get back for letting me to die Here I am left unnoticed I reckon, with a wistful tear in my eye!  Speak about Brand Loyalty! BAH HUMBUG!


Gambling amongst the chitter chatter, a small pause to catch her breath She rocked back and forth holding her little tummy, as though inside it were a child unfed. Tears rolled down in all its glories to compliment the joke put forth How does one churn balooney into humour, with no one to provoke? The unforced blush had a strong impact on complexions never seen These moments took their breath away, these moments didn't seem to demean A déjà vu moment was felt around, the birth of a pleasant revisit Hungry they all became for more, cos no one wanted it’s exit. The hero here deserved a pat on the back for this act of charm and wit. He gave the funny bone some good exercise, and made everyone’s ego quit! Sometimes its nice to let yourself loose Laugh like never before.... Infact...its always nice.....