ATTENTION! According to the statistics for 2007, released by the National Criminal Records Bureau, Tamil Nadu had a total cognizable crime rate of 261.7 per one lakh population, while that of Chennai was 256.9. The crime rate, defined as the number of crime trends as it balances incidence with growth in population. Chennai’s crime rate ensures that the metro is ranked a creditable 24 th among 35 major cities in the country while Coimbatore stands at the 22nd position and Madurai at the 30 th . However the situation in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru can send a chill of apprehension down anyone’s spine. Delhi has earned the skeptical distinction of being the most unsafe metro in the country, topping the list of the number of crimes. According to latest government statistics, Delhi accounted for 13.2 per cent of a total of 3,43,749 crimes reported in 35 mega cities across the country in 2009 followed by Bengaluru (9.4 %) and Mumbai (9.1%). Now picturise the following ...
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